
Naples-Casco-Raymond Memorial Post 155


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Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155

Rental Prices

    Function                                                  Non Member                                              Post 155 Member

   Weddings (5 hr.)                                        $ 600.00                                                          $ 400.00

  Additional Hours                                        $ 75.00                                                            $ 55.00

    Celebration of Life                                    $ 300.00                                                         $ 0.00

    Party                                                           $ 400.00                                                         $ 300.00

   Meetings                                                      $ 75.00 Per hour                                           $ 55.00 Per hour

   Non Profit                                                                                                                           $ 200.00


Note: Non Profit’s will be able to rent at Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155 prices (proof of non profit must be provided).


Payments Received

Items                                                                                                               Price                  Date

                                                                                                                                     Paid                         Balance




Hall Rental




1/2 at time of rental




Remaining amount of Rental 




Cleaning Deposit








Special Fees







I have been advised by the Naples, Casco, Raymond, American Legion Post 155, that it would be in the best interest to obtain

Liability Insurance for this function

Initial Here   ____________