Function Facility Policies
- ____ int. Renting party is responsible for the actions of their guests. Any destruction or misconduct will be the responsibility of the renting party.
- ____ int. Renting party is responsible for any damages to the premises or equipment caused by any guest or outside entity hired by the renting party
- ____ int. All beverages must be purchased from Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155 Function facility.
- ____ int. We can store limited items requiring refrigeration, with Facility Managers Approval. Please schedule delivery of those items accordingly.
- ____ int. All alcoholic beverages must be purchased from the Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion post 155 Facility. We will be happy to work with the renting party regarding any special preferences. No alcoholic beverages my be brought into or out of the premises under any circumstances. In the event that the aforementioned takes place, the Facilities Manager or Agent may shut the function down at their discretion.
- ____ int. Managers/Bartenders/ Wait Staff have the right to refuse service to anyone who appears to be intoxicated or who does not have proper identification.
- ____ int. Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155Function Facility will not be held responsible for events beyond their control which may affect your function (weather, power outages, etc.) or for lost, damaged or stolen items.
- ____ int. All children must be supervised closely.
- ____ int. Decorating the function is permitted. Time to do so must be scheduled with Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155 Facility Manager beforehand. There can be no use of tape, nails or any other fasteners on the walls. We ask that you take all decorations with you at the end of your event.
Glitter, sparkles, rice or bird seed is not permitted. There will be a $ 250 fee if it is used. Initial here. _______________
The renter or representative of the renter who signs this Contract does so with knowledge that they assume the responsibility/ liability for any and all damages to any or all of Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155 property. These costs shall be the sole responsibility of the Renter or representative of the Renter signing this agreement.
How did you hear about us? ___________________________________________________
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ______ / _______ / ______ (Renting Party)
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ______/ _______ / _______
( Naples, Casco, Raymond American Legion Post 155 Function Facility )